Legal Notice

Last update: June 2024

Contact and ownership details

Pursuant to article 10 of the 34/2002 Act, of July 11th, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce the identification data of the enterprise legal holder of the Web Sites are:

Urban Logic Tech S.L.
Registered office: C/ Río Lobos nº 12. 28522, Madrid
CIF: [B-16497380]

Registration in the Commercial Registry: First Entry on Page M-820055, with the electronic folio archived in the General Section of Companies, dated May 13, 2024

Contact details:

Tf.: (0034) [629 179 771]
abatalla [@]

Acceptance of present terms

The Legal Terms of the Web Sites are comprised as a whole by:

The present Legal Terms regulate access and use of the Web Sites, – for both the public and private sections- *, (hereinafter “Web Sites”), for the users interested in its content and services (hereinafter, “Users”).

Users may have three statuses:

  • Mere Internet User that consults provided information and can even interrelate with the Site through its Blog.
  • Users invited to their private zone.
  • Customers that access their private zone.

The purpose of the Web Sites is to inform, commercialize, and make use of the services provided by the enterprise legal holder of the Web Sites, especially a service (hereinafter, “the Service”) to Receive, Geocode, Error handling, Optimization, Planning, Re-scheduling and Traceability of Transport Services.

Urban Logic Tech may modify at any time, without prior notice, the design, presentation, and/or configuration of the Web Sites, as well as some or all services and contents offered up to that moment, and add new ones.

Using these Web Sites implies full acceptance of the provisions included in the present General Terms, being this acceptance extended to its Privacy Policies, Cookie Use, and Industrial and Intellectual Property Regulation. As a consequence, it will be the User’s responsibility to carefully read the aforementioned set of Legal Terms in force on any occasion that he or she accesses these Web Sites.

The present Legal Terms are, in any case, subject to the legal framework established by the 34/2002 Act, of July 11th, on “Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico”.

Urban Logic Tech S.L.

All rights reserved